Bub&Me Physio - Personal & Content Branding Session Highlights
Greetings lovely folks!
Today I am so pleased to share with you some highlights from a Personal Branding and Content Creation package I was excited to capture for Women’s Health Physiotherapists and educators; Bub&Me Physio.
This branding and content shoot was hosted across two session. First, the Bub&Me branding session where we captured headshots of biz owners Nat and Millie; who offer an online pelvic floor health course and face to face classes for pre and post-natal women.
At the versatile blank canvas space ‘The Social Club’ - We captured their headshots, on-the-job shots, and staged candid and relaxed interactions to showcase their face-to-face offering with real expecting and new mums.
The second session was content-purpose lead, with the goal of creating targeted imagery to market their online course offering. With both pre- and post-natal stage mums, I ran an in home photography session; showcasing the comfort and leisure of accessing women’s health services online.
Nat and Millie have masterfully integrated their images into a beautifully styled Instagram grid; not only serving thoughtful advice and tips for their audience; but also acheiving a truly beautiful and cohesive look for their brand and website. It is so exciting to see a branding shoot in action!